Friday, February 6, 2009

website evaluation Discovery Education

I feel it is student-friendly because it is an appropriate reading level and it is interesting. Students can click on the home resources link and then see thumbnail pictures of different areas of study. It is also interesting on the students’ level. There are videos students can watch to further help them with lessons they may be learning in school.

It is teacher friendly because it is very easy to navigate. There are many units of study that can be used by teachers at different grade levels in different subject areas.

I feel that the reading level is appropriate for most grade levels. Parents can navigate the site with children at a lower reading level. From certain areas there are thumbnail pictures that can be easily distinguishable by all grade levels.

The screen loads in a reasonable amount of time. Most of the videos begin to play as soon as the play button is clicked. There was just one video took a while to play because it was buffering.

No, the site does not contain pop-ups. It does however contain advertisement banners which pertain to various things on the site to acquire student involvement in certain types of challenges.

It seems that all the links work.

I do feel comfortable navigating around this site. They have areas for students, teachers and new teachers. All of the information is relevant and helpful.

I found the Home Resources section useful. I would present this site to my students’ parents in order to further their child’s education in a fun and interactive way. I also found the Classroom Resources useful. I particularly like the lesson plan library and the worksheets to go section.

I found the contests and grants banners that were on the website confusing. It was very busy and hard to read so I did not know what it was for.

It does seem to be updated. The copyright on the bottom of the site reads 2008.

It is not required that students use a password or log in to use this site.

Students will not be asked any personal information. If they choose to enter into any of the contests and grants, they may then be asked about personal information.

I would suggest putting an end to the banners of the contests and grants. They are already listed on a dropdown box entitled contests and grants.

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